The Melanoma and Sarcoma Surgical Oncology Unit is recognized by the Veneto Region as a regional reference center for melanoma and soft-tissue sarcomas. The Unit performs prevention, treatment and research activities for melanoma, soft-tissue sarcoma and peritoneal carcinosis, integrating different competences into a single unit.
Complex cases are discussed and evaluated in special multidisciplinary meetings, according to cancer type (cutaneous melanoma, soft-tissue sarcoma, peritoneal and colorectal tumors). In these meeting, medical oncologists, radiologists, nuclear physicians, radiotherapists, pathologists and other specialists determine the best diagnostic-therapeutic procedure for each case.
The unit manages multiple conventional and clinical trial protocols to provide patients with innovative care.
The Melanoma and Sarcoma Surgical Oncology Unit represents an innovative organizational model; members of the surgical team include surgeons from the University of Padua, who possess the widest professional and scientific experience in the various areas of cancer surgery. The surgical team varies according to the location and type of cancer; in this way, it is possible to reach the highest standards of accuracy in the treatment of individual tumors.
Patient preparation for surgical procedures is predominantly in the pre-hospitalization phase so as to minimize pre-operative hospitalization. At this facility, the oncology day surgery provides
the following procedures:
- the placement of vascular access systems for chemotherapy;
- the treatment of superficial neoplastic lesions;
- the application of proctological surgery procedures;
- the application of electrochemotherapy.
The Melanoma and Sarcoma Surgical Oncology Unit is part of the European Network of Excellence CONTICANET (CONnectiveTIssueCAncerNETwork) for the study and research on sarcomas.