Oncogenesis by HPV is the main interest of Annarosa Del Mistro. High-risk HPV (hrHPV) types are the necessary cause of all cervical carcinomas and most high-grade lesions, and a subset of oropharyngeal carcinomas. Since 2002, she is actively contributing to the studies of the Italian multicentric randomized trial NTCC (New Technologies In Cervical Cancer screening), a very large trial that evaluated the performance of HPV testing as primary screening test in comparison to cytology. The NTCC longitudinal results (Lancet Oncol 2010) and its data pooled with other European trials (Lancet 2014) have demonstrated the higher efficacy of HPV testing in the prevention of cervical cancer, while the pilot projects on the use of HPV testing in routine screening programmes (BJOG 2013 & 2017 & 2019; J Med Screen 2014) have demonstrated the feasibility of the new protocol. All the Regions are now implementing HPV testing as primary test for cervical screening. By the use of NTCC stored samples, viral (JCM 2013; JCV 2014; IJC 2018 & 2020) and cellular (Lancet Oncol 2008) characteristics are being studied as molecular biomarkers for a more precise definition of cancer risk in women with infection by hrHPV types. A new multicentric trial (NTCC2) on the role of mRNA-HPV and p16/Ki67 testing as triage is ongoing. Studies of HNSCC in North-Italian patients have shown a low but increasing over time prevalence of HPV-driven OPSCC, as evaluated by several biomarkers (J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2009; Papillomavirus Res 2016; Scientific Reports, 2020).
HPV Laboratory
Immunology and Molecular Oncology Unit Deputy Director (2019, Oct. 1 – ongoing)
– Department of Translational Oncology and Health Services, IOV-IRCCS
- [email protected]
- phone: +39 049 821 5872
- fax: +39 049 821 5967
- ORCID: 0000-0001-7201-9374