UOC Oncology 1

UOC Oncology 1

Where we are

Mezzanine: direction and secretaryship
1st floor: reception and outpatient clinics
2nd floor: Day Hospital and inpatient department
Doctors' and data managers' offices



Secretaryship     049 8215953
Day Hospital     049 8215919


The Oncology 1 Unit provides diagnostic services and treatment for adult and elderly patients suffering from solid tumors and hematologic cancers, through shared multidisciplinary pathways based on the type of tumor and the needs of the patient.

The mission of the Unit is:

  • To take charge of the cancer patient’s care, paying attention to all his/her needs in order to obtain the best treatment response and quality of life;
  • to favor clinical and translational research that will lead to the most innovative anti-cancer, support and palliative therapies;
  • to guarantee the multidisciplinary coordination of clinical interventions to optimize patient care;
  • to guarantee simultaneous care and facilitate the continuity of care between hospital and local services, especially in patients with metastatic disease and/or elderly patients;
  • To provide theoretical and practical training in the areas of cancer treatment, support and palliative care to undergraduates and doctors specializing in medical oncology.

The Oncology 1 Unit includes the following Simple Units:

  • UOS Neuro-oncology
  • UOS Urological oncological pathology
  • UOS Sarcomas and bone tumors


The conditions treated in this unit include: colonrectal cancer, anal cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, livef cancer, biliary duct cancer, neuroendocrine tumors, gastrointestinal tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), kidney cancer, bladder cancer, testicular cancer, penile cancer, sarcoma, bone cancers, brain tumors (glioblastoma, glioma, meningioma, hypophysitis, ependyoma, medulloblastoma, germ cell tumors), lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

Direttore dell'Unità operativa
Appassionata alla medicina direi fin dalla quinta elementare, ho studiato a Padova, la mia città, iniziando a frequentare Oncologia dall’inizio del 5° anno di Università, per giungere alla Specializzazione nel 2004. La scelta di dedicarmi...


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