

  • Role of the microenvironment in the pathogenesis of virus-induced lymphoma
  • Relevance of epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) in highly aggressive primary tumors and peritoneal metastases
  • Harnessing redox homeostasis and cell death pathways for treatment of T-cell leukemia
  • Tailoring the treatment in early breast cancer
  • Immunotherapy in breast cancer
  • Identifying prognostic and predictive biomarkers in breast cancer



  • Liquid biopsy (cell free DNA, cfDNA) approach to track tumor response to therapy and/or relapse in gastric esophageal oncologic diseases (GEODs)
  • HPV testing and novel biomarkers in prevention and diagnosis of cervical and oropharyngeal HPV-driven carcinomas
  • Development of tailored treatment: one size do not fits all
  • Multidisciplinary approach to the disease
  • New targets for new treatment
  • Immunotherapy is the new frontier
  • Biomarkers and treatment of patients with Prostate cancer
  • Biomarkers and Treatment of patients with Renal cell carcinoma
  • Immunotherapy and biomarkers in patients with Bladder or Upper Urinary Tract carcinoma
  • Outcome and quality of life of patients with Testicular cancer
  • Multidisciplinary approach to the disease
  • Immunotherapy is the new frontier
  • Real word evidence studies
  • Improving the treatment strategies and identifying new prognostic and predictive biomarkers
  • Metabolic adaptation of tumors to anti-angiogenic therapy
  • Genetic profiling of lung cancer
  • NOTCH as a therapeutic target in cancer
  • Genetic risk factors for cutaneous melanoma
  • Molecular classification of cutaneous melanoma and molecular markers for prediction of the targeted therapy response in the advanced melanoma
  • PD1 and PDL1 expression as therapeutic targets and prognostic biomarkers in soft tissue sarcomas
  • Clock genes polymorphisms as risk and prognostic factors in melanoma and soft tissue sarcomas
  • Genetic basis of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer
  • Evaluation of the impact of the diagnostic-therapeutic pathways in oncology
  • Regional and National collection of real world data on activity, efficacy, safety and budget impact of innovative anticancer drugs
  • Regional and National prospective clinical studies
  • Administrative health data extraction on diagnosis and treatment of breast and lung cancer
  • Developing novel therapeutics for the treatment of malignant brain tumors
  • Identifying the right treatment for elderly patients with brain tumors improving their quality of life and neuro-cognitive functions
  • Identifying molecular predictors of treatment benefit in glioblastoma patients
  • New imaging modalities in early disease detection and response assessment to new therapies in glioblastoma patients
  • New therapeutic approach in lymphoma
  • Diffuse large B cell lymphoma in elderly patients
  • Molecular prognostic factors in Diffuse Large B cell lymphoma
  • Targeted therapeutic approaches in T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) and Diffuse Large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)



  • Developing novel therapeutics for the treatment of soft tissue sarcoma and bone tumors
  • Multidisciplinary approach to the disease
  • Identifying the optimal treatment for older patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma
  • Identifying molecular predictors of treatment benefit in patients with sarcoma
  • Improvement of multidisciplinary management of lung cancer, mesothelioma and thymic neoplasms
  • Access to wide molecular characterization and targeted treatment in lung cancer
  • Implementation of liquid biopsy for lung cancer in clinical practice
  • Study of predictive markers for immunotherapy efficacy and toxicity in lung cancer
  • Study of predictive biomarkers and acquired resistance mechanisms in EGFR-mutated advanced NSCLC
  • Molecular pathogenesis of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and lymphoma

Last modified: 15/11/2024 09:24

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